Postgresql for mac buggy
Postgresql for mac buggy


* = important, **= super-important, *** = mega-super-important. I also use for location specific tasks eg To prioritize put *s in the list item.To track delegated items I tags eg again you can search by tags to see all the tags you delegated to John.

postgresql for mac buggy

Or if you want to take a 30,000 view of your goals This is super powerful if you just want to focus and bang out stuff. When you search by a tag it shows all items with that tag across all lists.Also love that tags are hyperlinks to search by that tag.I love that tags automatically get added to a smart drop down list so when I start typing #t up pops #today.For GTD I use # tags for #today, #waiting, #week, #someday-maybe, #goal, #NextAction.It is easy to drag and drop or cut/paste lists around, so no need to “get it right” the first time Then figure out what top level sections make sense for you. Just start dumping items from your brain, paper, planning docs or other GTD systems into it for the first day or so.-heavy weight adding new items vs just typing a list, no sub-sub lists or tagging, hard to just share parts of a list with others.+great for project task lists, deadlines, seeing calendar of all tasks, good discussion features.– too many features/bloat, hard to zoom in or collapse lists without using advanced features.+expandable, lots of formating tools (too many for list making!), can include images, google docs easy to share.-has gotten bloated and buggy over last 18 months, search, typing and adding notes can hang for a minute or more.

postgresql for mac buggy

  • +can organize with tags/notebooks/titles, search all notes, todo check boxes, bullet lists, web, PC, Mac, Android, iOS.
  • bar napkins can expand storage but tend to be hard to read later.
  • -very limited storage, tends to get a mess once you have a bunch of cards/pieces of paper.
  • +only have to carried one piece of paper with you.
  • + organized sections and prioritizing built in, include calendar.
  • – can't move items around – have to rewrite lists, can't add space if a list grows, undone items get orphaned pages back from current page, no organization to notes.

  • + fast to add items, free form, satisfying to check to do off.
  • can be improved with mnemonic devices plug in (costs extra learning time to install) to remember long lists, still waiting on chip implant for direct storage to cloud.
  • – limited to about 7 items in short term memory, long term memory is apparently infinite but retrieval is spotty, uses up a lot of CPU if you have more than 1-2 items to remember, no checking off an item satisfaction when task is completed, hard to share with others unless you shell out for the telepathy 2.0 addon.
  • +instant notes even in the shower or other places where you don't have computer/phone/notebook.
  • Other organizing tools I have used and issues I had with them Other organizing tools didn't work for me
  • can share just parts of your lists with others eg for requirements.
  • ++ It is freeform – you can create your own structure of list hierarchy, tags, starred pages.
  • ++ Fast zoom in and out of lists from details, projects, 30,000 foot level using the levels breadcrumbs or clicking on the little bullet icon at the front of every list item.
  • ++ smart tagging using # and (more on how I am using that below).
  • ++ no need to create notes or save documents – just type in your stuff.
  • ++ no extra fluff features or bloatware (I am looking at you Evernote!).
  • folding editor for indented lists – so easy to hide stuff you are not currently focused on.
  • postgresql for mac buggy


    Half to-do list, half planning software.What is WorkFlowy and what do I love about it (++ items below)? I have organized my todos/planning many ways over the years, I wasn't satisfied with my prior methods, so I thought I would play with WorkFlowy for a week to see if I liked it. Stewart Butterfield and his team used WorkFlowy to brainstorm and implement the first version of Slack.


    I got the Pro version of the app free for a year from this AppSumo offer Curious if anyone else is using WorkFlowy and what your tips and thoughts on it are? This is my initial thoughts on WorkFlowy intuitive productivity app that I started using a week ago for my todo lists, project planning, requirements and Getting Things Done system.

    Postgresql for mac buggy